In active addiction, I was brought to a very dark place. Unable to have relationships with family and friends, I used and sucked the life out of anyone who crossed my path.
I was so far gone that I convinced myself I had no true purpose, that life had nothing to offer me. I used to live, think, eat and breathe my addiction. I could not go without it. It was extremely hard to get sober, but it’s been much easier to stay sober once I committed to stopping. When I made that commitment, I did the 12 Steps, which brightened my life. I felt like I had a soul again, and I began to take charge of my life. I had more control than I ever did when I was using. I was able to restore my relationship with my family and also my daughter.
Recovery is a continual thing. I never forget where I came from, but I try to keep moving forward and doing the next right thing. My life started changing, and the way I viewed my own life began to transform. I recognized that the world and outside influences dominated my life and spirit before recovery. Now I live independently without owing people or depending on them to support me. I cherish being a useful person in society and helping those around me see how awesome sobriety is.
My life isn’t perfect by any means, but it is a whole lot more manageable. I am still not where I want to be in my journey, but when I remember where I was, I realize I have come so far. I can’t believe I’m almost two years sober. A spiritual approach to life was what I needed, to depend on a God stronger than me. “Trust infinite God, not finite self.”
People need to know that addiction is an illness, and the problem should not be shunned or cast aside by the community. Navigate Recovery helps inform people, bringing them to a greater understanding about the disease of addiction. For the families who are directly impacted, addiction is not a spectator sport—eventually, the whole family is caught up in this unfortunate and debilitating game. Gwinnett needs the help.
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